Website Design & Copy

Websites using my copy, information architecture, layout designs, and photo selections.

Travel Agent Website

With a team of three, we built this WordPress website for Stillwater Travel to increase brand awareness and sales. I designed the site architecture, wrote the copy, and provided assistance with the image selection.

Resale Retail Website

The owner was unhappy with the previous website, specifically the color palate and images chosen. After taking on the project, I created a mood board for the owner to use across the website and social media posts. Then I updated photos, made edits to the Shopify theme, rewrote copy, and made edits to existing copy.

AdTech Sales Enablement Website

The C-Suite requested a website for the sales team to use when explaining a new term our marketing team was coining: "Immersive Household." For this WordPress website, I built the website and logo mockup, designed the brand guidelines, selected the images, wrote the copy, and worked closely with our development team to ensure all features were executed as planned.